Event Settings
Primary control point for adjusting parameters within ONE TIMING.
Adjust Settings
One of the commonly utilized Plugins for adjusting calculation parameters within ONE TIMING is called "Event Settings". Here you can find all of the standard session parameters and can also adjust those directly. For instance, determining whether the Formation Lap should contribute to the Driving-Time or not.
Any adjustments made to a parameter will be highlighted in yellow, and you will observe the changes in the text field located at the bottom of the Plugin. Initially, these changes are only reflected on your PC only. By selecting "Publish", all other PCs connected to the same Live-Feed will display these modifications, and their ONE TIMING will adjust accordingly. The Live-Feed is the connection you have chosen in the drop-down menu located at the top right of the ONE TIMING interface.
Publish Settings at the start of a Session
To publish settings at the beginning of a session, ensure that you are connected to the correct live-feed. Then, simply drag and drop a txt file into the Plugin. Be sure to drop it into the Parameters section or the grey area. Dragging it into the text field at the bottom will not work. Once the file is dropped in, you will see multiple parameters highlighted in yellow, and you can proceed to press "Publish".
If necessary, PACETEQ can offer a standard set of Event Settings for each session. This is particularly useful if your ONE TIMING setup is operating locally without live support from a PACETEQ engineer.
In the Event Settings txt file all parameters have a slightly different name that needs to be used compared to the naming inside the Event Settings Plugin.
Most important Settings
Include formation on the 1st Driver Stint
Format: True / False
Editor Name: IncludeFormationLap
Description: If set to True, the driving time will include the time of the formation lap. The default for this is False.
Include Pit LaneTime in continous diriving time
Format: True / False
Editor Name: IncludePitTimeInContinousDriving
Description: If set to True, the time in the pitlane will keep counting to the driving time, if no driver swap happens.
Last Stint end option
Format: CarFinish / RaceTime / LeaderFinish
Editor Name: LastStintEndOption
Description: Defines when the stint time should stop counting at the end of the race.
Race Finish Option
Format: RaceTimeFinish / LeaderFinish
Editor Name: RaceFinishOption
Description: This setting is used for the laps remaining option inside the Circle of Doom only.
Start Formation Lap
Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.0000000
Editor Name: StartFormationLap
Description: Start time of the Formation lap. This is needed for the Drive Time calculation, if "IncludeFormationLap" is set to True.
Apply Refueling
Format: True / False
Editor Name: ApplyRefueling
Description: Used for the Fuel Effect Calculation. If set to True, ONE TIMING will assume that each car gets refuelled during a pit stop.
Fuel Consumption (kg/lap)
Format: Number in kg per lap
Editor Name: FuelConsumption
Description: Average Fuel usage during a lap, this is needed for the weight effect calculation.
Max Fuel Load (kg)
Format: Number in kg
Editor Name: MaxFuelLoad
Description: Fuel in a car after a pit stop. This is used for weight effect calculation.
Start Fuel Load (kg)
Format: Number in kg
Editor Name: StartFuelLoad
Description: Fuel in a car at the race start. This is used for weight effect calculation.
DRS Effect (s/lap)
Format: Number in sec per lap
Editor Name: DrsEffect
Description: Used to adjust laps for DRS in the extended laps chart.
Weight Effect (s/10kg/km)
Format: Number in sec per 10 kg per km
Editor Name: WeightEffect
Description: Used for the weight effect calculation in ONE TIMING.
Best Pit Time (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: BestPitTime
Description: Early end of the pit window on the Circle of Doom.
Drive Through Time (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: DriveThroughTime
Description: Drive Time from the pit entry to the pit exit line in the fast lane.
F+T Pit Stop Threshold
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: FuelAndTirePitStopThreshold
Description: Time from pit entry to pit exit. If pit stops are below this threshold, they will be marked in the Plugin "Pit Stop Summary" that they were most likely Fuel only stops.
Max Pit Stop Lap
Format: Number in Laps
Editor Name: MaxPitStopLap
Description: Adds a line in the Simulation Results to signal the end of the pit window. The line gets added at the end of that lap.
Max Race Time Before PitStop
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: MaxRaceTimeBeforePitStop
Description: Adds a line in the Simulation Results to signal the end of the pit window. This is time based, the maximum of time elapsed until the car needs to do a pit stop.
Min Pit Stop Lap
Format: Number in Laps
Editor Name: MinPitStopLap
Description: Adds a line in the Simulation Results to signal the start of the pit window. The line gets added at the end of that lap.
Min Race Time Before PitStop
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: MinRaceTimeBeforePitStop
Description: Adds a line in the Simulation Results to signal the start of the pit window. This is time based, the minimum of time elapsed until the car is allowed to do a pit stop.
Min Time in Pit Lane
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: MinTimeInPitLane
Description: Minimum pit lane time which is used in the pit release plugin.
Minimun Pit Lane Time Threshold (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: MinPitLaneTimeThreshold
Description: Every pit stop that is faster than this time, will be highlighted with an "!" in the "Pit Stop Summary" plugin
Pit Lane Not Across Finish Line
Format: True / False
Editor Name: PitLaneNotAcrossFinishLine
Description: Makes ONE TIMING aware that the pit lane is not across the finish line. For example WEC at Sebring.
Ratio of time lost in pit entry
Format: Number as a ratio (0.5)
Editor Name: TimeLostInPitRatio
Description: Time loss on the inlap divided by the total time loss of a pit stop.
Technical Pit Stop Thershold
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: TechnicalPitStopThreshold
Description: Pit stops above this threshold will be highlighted in red in the plugin "Pit Stop Summary"
Time Lost in Drive-through
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: TimeLostInDriveThrough
Description: Time lost in a drive through. This can be displayed in the "Gap Map"
Time Lost In Pit
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: TimeLostInPit
Description: Time loss for an expected pit stop. This number is used in multiple plugins in ONE TIMING. "Simulation Results" or "Gap Map" for example.
Worst Pit Time
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: WorstPitTime
Description: Late end of the pit window on the Circle of Doom.
Hot Lap (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: HotLapTime
Description: Expected Laptime of a push lap in qualifying.
Hot Stop (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: HotStopTime
Description: Expected pit time from pit entry to pit exit for a quick stop in qualifying.
Out Lap (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: OutLapTime
Description: Expected Out lap time from pit exit in the qualifying.
Outmarker Time From Garage (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: OutmarkerTimeFromGarage
Description: Time from the garage to the pit exit in qualifying.
Outmarker Time From Pitlane (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: OutmarkerTimeFromPitlane
Description: Time from the slow lane in front of the garage to the pit exit in qualifying.
Prep Laps (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: PrepLapTime
Description: Expected lap time for a build lap in qualifying.
Refuel Stop Time (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: RefuelStopTime
Description: Expected pit stop time for a normal slower stop in qualifying.
Safety Margin (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: SafetyMargin
Back Calculate Race Start Time Calculation
Format: True / False
Editor Name: BackCalculateRaceStartTimeCalculation
Description: Can be used in series where there is no official green flag. In this case ONE TIMING will calculate the race start time when the leader finishes the first lap by subtracting the lap time from the timestamp of the lap completion message.
Extend For Red Flags
Format: True / False
Editor Name: ExtendForRedFlags
Description: If set to True, the Time Remaining stops counting down during a Red Flag.
Fastest Laps(s) Position Cutoff
Format: Number as position
Editor Name: FastestLapsPositionCutoff
Description: Position at which the Fastest Lap Point is not awarded anymore.
Guest Drivers
Format: x;y
Editor Name: GuestDrivers
Description: List of entries that are guest starters and don't count to the championship points. These entries are ignored.
Lap One Can Be Fastest
Format: True / False
Editor Name: IncludeLap1InFastest
Description: If set to True, the first lap can be the fastest lap of the session. The default is False and the first lap is ignored in Page 1. This is important for the Nordschleife where people can set a valid laptime on the first full lap.
Laps After Time Runs Out
Format: Number (-1, 0, 1, ...)
Editor Name: LapsAfterTimeRunsOut
Description: Laps after the time remaining has run out. The default is 1. 0 means that the leader gets the chequered flag as the first car when he crosses the line after the time has run out. -1 means that all cars instantly get the chequered flag after the time runs out.
Laps Count
Format: Number in laps
Editor Name: LapsCount
Description: Distance Limit of a Race.
Max Continuous Stint Length
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: MaxContinuousStintLength
Description: maximum time a driver can stay in the car driving in one go.
Max Stint Length
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: MaxStintLength
Description: Maximum time a stint is allowed to be.
Max Stint Length (FCYSC)
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: MaxStintLengthFCYSC
Description: Maximum time of a stint if a FCY or SC was active in that stint.
Max Total Driving Time
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: MaxTotalDrivingTime
Description: Maximum drive time of a driver in total during a race.
Min Stint Length
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: MinStintLength
Description: Minimum time a stint needs to be.
Points Calculation Team
Format: SumAllPoints / BestDriverMoveUp / BestTwoDriversMoveUp / BestDriver / NoPoints
Editor Name: PointsCalculationTeam
Description: Different calculation modes for the Team Championship Points.
Points Per Fastest Lap
Format: Numer in points
Editor Name: ChampionshipPointsPerFastestLap
Description: Amount of points that are awarded to the fastest lap.
Points Per Position
Format: x;y
Editor Name: ChampionshipPointsPerPosition
Description: Points per position, starting at Position 1 and then going down by one position each.
Race Duration
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: RaceDuration
Description: Total duration of the Session. In a Race, this is the time limit.
Session Type
Format: Practice / Qualifying / Race
Editor Name: SessionType
Description: Changes the behaviour of some plugins like Page 1.
Start Time
Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.0000000
Editor Name: StartTime
Description: Time of day when the race started.
Format: Name
Editor Name: Track
Description: Defines which track map gets loaded.
Use Time Remaining from feed
Format: True / False
Editor Name: UseTimeRemaininFromFeed
Description: If the feed provides continues time remaining, ONE TIMING can either use that one, or go back to its manual calculation inside ONE TIMING. The default is true.
Auto Update Enable
Format: True / False
Editor Name: AutoUpdateEnabled
Description: If set to True, then ONE TIMING will automatically detect pit stops and will adjust the simulation accordingly.
Default Start Tyre
Format: Short Name of the Tyre Compound
Editor Name: DefaultStartTyre
Description: Default Tyre Compound that ONE TIMING assigns to each driver at the start of the race.
Default Stint Length
Format: Number in laps
Editor Name: DefaultStintLength
Description: Amount of laps that a stint will have. This is then used in the Race Plan for the forward predictions for example.
Enable Assumed Pace
Format: True / False
Editor Name: AssumedPaceEnabled
Description: ONE TIMING will adjust the Pace of each car based on a rolling average of the previous laps.
Minimum Gap
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: MinimumGap
Description: Minimum gap that cars will have in the forward prediction of the simulation results.
Overtaking Gap (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: OvertakingGap
Description: How close does a car need to be to the car in front, in order for ONE TIMING to assess if an Overtake will take place.
Pit Stop Auto Update Window (Laps)
Format: Number in laps
Editor Name: PitStopAutoUpdateWindow
Description: If the "Expected Lap" Setting in the Cars Settings is used, than this defines the window in which ONE TIMING assesses if it can replace the expected pit stop with the actually completed pit stop or not. The window is +- of this value. So setting it to 5 means ONE TIMING will look in a +-5 lap window for a pit stop to overwrite the expected stop.
Disable Extra Timing Loops
Format: True / False
Editor Name: DisableExtraTimingLoops
Description: Can be used to reduce the load of ONE TIMING if its needed. Plugins like the Circle of Doom will then only work on sector and not loop basis anymore.
Lap length (km)
Format: Number in km
Editor Name: LapLength
Description: Distance of one complete lap. This is used for the weight effect calculation.
Lap Time
Format: hh:mm:ss.000
Editor Name: LapTime
Description: Reference lap time that ONE TIMING uses for various calculations
Loop Names
Format: x;y
Editor Name: LoopNames
Description: overwrites the official loop names with custom names. The order needs to match the one from the offical timing provider. For AlKamel this means the first name is the last loop, and then Loop one, Loop two and so on until the second to last loop.
Push Lap loops (s)
Format: x;y
Editor Name: PushLap
Description: Loop times of a Push Lap. This is used for the lap type prediction in the Circle of Doom.
Sector Times (s)
Format: x;y
Editor Name: SectorTimes
Description: Expected Sector Times. This is used for interpolation inside various plugins.
Slow lap loops (s)
Format: x;y
Editor Name: SlowLapThresholds
Description: Percentage of how much slower each loop is during a slow lap compared to a push lap.
Slow Lap Threshold
Format: hh:mm:ss
Editor Name: SlowLapThreshold
Description: all laps that are slower than this threshold will be labeled as a slow lap.
Target Lap loops (s)
Format: x;y
Editor Name: TargetLap
Description: Fastest Target Lap Loop times. This is used for the lap type prediction in the Circle of Doom.
Clean Air If Ahead More Than (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: CleanAirIfAheadMoreThan
Description: If a car ahead is inside this gap of the reference car in the Circle of Doom, it will be highlighted as traffic.
Impeding If Less Than (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: ImpedingIfLessThan
Description: If a car behind is inside this gap of the reference car in the Circle of Doom, it will be highlighted as traffic.
In Lap (s)
Format: Number in sec
Editor Name: InLapTime
Description: Expected In lap time during qualifying.