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Historical Data

Utilize the Historical Data Function within ONE TIMING to load an entire Session. Instantly access specific Series as soon as you launch ONE TIMING.

Access the "Historical Data" menu to view all past Sessions within ONE TIMING. Your license grants you instant access to the Series of your choice. Upon launching ONE TIMING, you will immediately see the Sessions stored in the PACETEQ Cloud. Sessions displayed in black text are accessible through our Cloud. Sessions in orange text indicate that they are saved on your local device.

The menu-tree is organized in: Series > Season > Event > Session.

When you open a Session, the entire Session will be loaded at once. The loading time will vary based on factors such as the Session length, your layout, the capabilities of your PC, and internet speed. Our file sizes are designed to be small, with an average Formula 1 race being around 70 KB and a full 24 hours of Le Mans race reaching up to 3 MB.

Once the session is loaded, you will have full access to view the entire session.

Tip: If you wish to replay the session, you can utilize the "Historical Replayer."