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Quali Planner Advanced

Establish a comprehensive run sequence for each vehicle, enabling you to obtain immediate insights regarding the remaining margin to initiate the final push lap, as well as identifying which cars require monitoring for potential traffic challenges.

Car specific quali planner

Unlike the "Quali Planner", the Advanced Version is specifically designed for individual cars, allowing users to monitor the margin at the end of each session with greater accuracy. In a manner similar to the "Quali Planner", this version features an edit mode accessible through the context menu, enabling users to add laps for each car. It is important to note that only one pattern can be assigned to each car.

The seconds displayed in the last push lap of the session represent the time margin that the car has available to begin its final lap. For instance, in the example screenshot provided below, it is indicated that HUG is set to start his final push lap with a margin of 28 seconds remaining in the session.

The current color theme is as follows:
orange / yellow = out lap
blue = build / preperation lap
green = push lap

In the plugin, you will find a timeline along the X Axis that visually represents the elapsed time of the session. On the left side, a car selection sidebar enables you to choose which specific cars to display. A vertical yellow line serves as a current time marker, offering a straightforward reference for distinguishing between the ongoing forecast and the completed sections of the session.

Edit Mode

To enable "Edit Mode," simply open the context menu by right-clicking. This mode allows you to modify the laps by adding, changing, or deleting them as needed. To add a lap, double-click on the + symbol. You can also adjust the lap type by right-clicking on a lap. This feature offers the flexibility to create any realistic sequence of laps, this means that an out lap cannot be added after a push lap.

Two distinct types of out laps can be defined: the "Out Lap" and the "Out Lap from Garage." The "Out Lap" modifies the previous pit stop to reflect the defined "Pit" time, whereas the "Out Lap from Garage" employs the "Pit&Fuel" stop time. This differentiation is particularly advantageous in racing series such as Formula E, where a minimum pit stop duration is only mandated when tire changes are executed.

For enhanced efficiency and user-friendliness, users have the option to save a customized qualification plan by right-clicking on a created run pattern. Once saved, users can conveniently load this plan by right-clicking on the driver name, eliminating the need to manually input all laps again. These plans are automatically saved and can be accessed when reopening ONE TIMING at a later time.

When the edit mode is turned off, the display will revert to showing the relevant timestamps.

Visible Timestamps

The plugin provides a display of times for each lap. For laps that have been completed, it will showcase the recorded lap time. It is important to note that for out and in laps, the lap times are based on the pit entry and exit lines.

Scheduled Laps will display varying times depending on their specific lap type. For Pit Stops, the times reflect the anticipated duration from the moment the car enters the pit to when it exits. Out Laps indicate the expected timestamp for when the car is predicted to leave the pit lane during the session. Meanwhile, Build Laps provide an estimated completion time for the lap.

When the "Show Countdowns" option in the context menu is enabled, the plugin will display a countdown timer for the various lap types. This functionality allows users to monitor the remaining time until the completion of a build lap or the beginning of an out lap, providing a clear and precise indication of time management during the session.

Wait Blocks

In many instances, it is common for specific wait times to be pre-planned for various segments of the session. This can be incorporated into the plugin by adding a lap and designating the lap type as "Wait." To modify the Wait Time, simply access the context menu associated with this "lap" and adjust the duration as needed.

Traffic Prediciton

When Edit Mode is activated, users can select a driver by ticking a box. Subsequently, a square will appear for each other car that either finishes or begins a lap within a ±10 second window of the chosen reference car. This feature provides a clear overview of which cars may potentially impact your run sequence, allowing for more informed decision-making during the session.

Context menu

The plugin features two context menus to enhance user interaction. The first is a general context menu that encompasses all essential options required for efficient navigation. The second is a more detailed menu specifically designed for adjusting lap types. To access the general menu, simply right-click within the Plugin.

Edit Mode

Activates the Edit view of the plugin, allowing users to modify the lap sequence and select a car for potential traffic warnings.

Populate Mode

This feature, when activated, will display every completed lap from other cars within the plugin, providing users with a comprehensive view of all lap activities. Please note that this option is disabled by default.

Show Countdowns

Modifies the displayed timestamps for planned laps, transforming them into a countdown that indicates the time remaining to these timestamps.

Wrap Parameters' Text

This feature adjusts how lap times are shown at the bottom of the plugin. Depending on the plugin's width in your layout, you may not see all lap times in a single line. When this option is selected in the context menu, the text will wrap into multiple lines to ensure all lap times are visible.

Sort using outing order

This feature organizes the visible drivers according to the order in which the cars exited the pits at the beginning of the session.

Use auto scale

This feature allows users to select whether the plugin should continuously display the entire session, adjusting the zoom level according to the plugin's size. If disabled, the view will remain fixed at a predetermined zoom level.


The manual zoom level can be adjusted when the auto scale feature is turned off, allowing for greater control over the displayed session view.

Receive Plan Updates

If this option is enabled, the current inputs in the plugin will be replaced if someone with an admin license publishes their own sequences into the timing feed. To retain your inputs and avoid any alterations from a colleague's published plans, it is advisable to disable this option.