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Tailored for exporting standardized post-session data from ONE TIMING for detailed analysis in Python, Excel, or any preferred tool

Use Case

In contrast to the real-time functionality of the Excel Export Plugin, the "R" Plugin is specifically designed for post-session data export in a standardized format from ONE TIMING. This data can be utilized for in-depth Data Analysis in Python, Excel, or any other preferred tool.


To export the data, access the entire session in Historical Data and simply right-click within the plugin. From there, choose the "Export For R" option. The table will then be copied to your clipboard and can be pasted anywhere on your PC.


Below is a comprehensive list of the various columns that are currently being exported.

Column Header Description Example
TimeOfDay Local Time of Day that was used in the data relay. Usually, this is the Time of Day locally at the track, though in some cases, it can be the local time of day of the machine where the data relay was running on. 10:18:03.469
Driver TLA which was shown on Page 1 during the Session. Can be 3 Letters or a number like #10. DEN
Number Car Number without a #. 1
LapNumber Number of the completed lap. The end of the first outlap is number 1. 5
Laptime Laptime in seconds and 3 decimal places. 101.846
Flags Lap type of the lap: 0
* 0 = flying lap (started on the Start/Finish and finished on the Start/Finish)
* 1 = Outlap (started out of the pitlane and finished on the Start/Finish)
* 2 = Inlap (started on the Start/Finish and finished inside the pitlane)
* 3 = OutIn (started out of the pitlane and finished inside the pitlane)
* 4-7 = Various Canceled Laps (4 = canceled flying lap, 5 = canceled Outlap, 6  = canceled Inlap, 7 = canceled OutIn)
T_Speed The speed at the Speed Trap in the Lap. Only available if the timekeeper sends that information during the session. Note that the Speed Trap does not have to be at a location where the cars reach their maximum speed. Sometimes a Sector Speed can be higher, or the Speed Trap is located too late and already inside a braking zone. Unit is usually kph. 236.3238512
Sector1 Time the car spent from the finish/line timing loop to the timing loop at the end of the first sector. Time in seconds with 3 decimal places. If no time is available, it is NaN. 32.849
Speed1 Usually, the car speed at the moment when the car crosses the sector 1 timing loop. Though in some cases, this can also be an average speed of the whole first sector. If no speed is available, it is NaN. 215.71
SectorN Next sector time if available in the feed. 32.849
SpeedN Next sector speed if available from the feed. 215.71
SectorN+1 Next sector time if available in the feed. 32.849
SectorN+2 Next sector speed if available from the feed. This pattern of Sector1, Speed1, Sector2, Speed2, Sector3, Speed3, ... continues until all sectors are covered. Usually, it is only 3 sectors, though there can be more on tracks like the Nordschleife. 215.71
Loop1 Time in seconds of the car going from the Start/Finish timing line to the first Timing Loop. Usually, Loops are shorter than Sectors, and you therefore have more of them. 18.047
LoopN Now follows all other available Loops in the pattern: Loop1, Loop2, Loop3, Loop4, ... This pattern continues until all Loops are covered. For Loops, we only get times and no Speeds. 18.047
PowerMode The Power Mode in which a laptime was driven. Mostly used in Formula E where cars can change between multiple Power Modes. 300 kW and 350 kW mostly in Season 9. 300
Position Position at the end of the session 8
Compound Tyre Compound used in that lap. Mostly O for Option and P for Prime tyres. But can be any other combination of letters and numbers depending on the series. O
Class Class the car was in. Information that was also visible on Page 1. Mostly used in Endurance Racing like WEC or IMSA. SP9 Pro
Session The name of the Session which is specified in the session declare message at the start of a session. This is not standardized. Feature Race
Date Day on which the lap was completed. Based on the local time of the data relay. Usually should be track time, but can also be the time of day of the machine where the relay was running on. 27.10.2023
PitIn Time of Day of crossing the Pit entry line. Can be the local time of day or the time of day of the machine where the data relay was running on. 10:27:18.144
PitOut Time of Day of crossing the Pit exit line. Can be the local time of day or the time of day of the machine where the data relay was running on. 10:27:18.144
TimeInPit PitOut time minus PitIn time. Included for the second or higher pit exit of a session. 104.033
TrackState Track State during this lap. Mostly it says Green, though if there was some local yellow or Safety Car or Full Course Yellow, Track State would show that. PartialYellow
TrackStateMessage This field shows the exact string which was shown in the "Track State" Plugin inside OneTiming. This usually has slightly more information but is not standardized as much as the TrackState. "YELLOW FLAG IN TURN 6-7"
Team Can be any String for the Team Name which is defined in the Color File inside OneTiming. Be aware that this is not the Full team name. This is the "short name" defined on the first field of the color file. BERNHARD
Manufacturer Can be any String for the Manufacturer which is defined in the Color File inside OneTiming. Porsche