Sharing Local Historical Data
To securely distribute your local Historical Data, access the AppData Folder and share a gzip file with your team members.
Data Security with the Advanced Package
Ensuring the security of your data is a top priority at PACETEQ, including safeguarding your Historical Data. Whether your data is stored locally or in the PACETEQ Cloud, rest assured that it is protected. By purchasing the Advanced ONE TIMING Package, you gain access to a dedicated feed, allowing you to make real-time adjustments to settings such as the "Pit Stop Loss" during the session.
The adjustments made are only displayed on your team's Live-Feed and are not synced with the PACETEQ Cloud. You can share the local Historical Data File generated during the Live Session with team members who missed it.
Sharing Historical Data
The Historical Data file is stored here C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PACETEQ\OneTiming\HistoricalDataTemp
Access the AppData folder by opening the Windows search bar and entering "%localappdata%". From there, you can send the CSV File to your team members.
Other team members can utilize the "Import" Function from the Menu Bar to bring the Session into their ONE TIMING.
Once the CSV File is selected, ONE TIMING will automatically populate some metadata of the session. You have the option to adjust the Seriesname, Eventname, Sessionname, Start Date of the Session, the Season, and the Session Type. Don't forget to tick the box to save the file to your local Historical Data files to ensure it is retained when you close ONE TIMING.