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Universal Live-Feed and Dedicated Live-Feed

There are two distinct Live-Feed options available in ONE TIMING. The "Universal Feed" offers read-only access to all Standard ONE TIMING users. On the other hand, customers with the Advanced Package can access their "Dedicated Feed", allowing them to customize settings such as "Pit Lane Timeloss" to suit their preferences.

There are two different types of Live-Feeds available in ONE TIMING. Teams who have purchased the Standard ONE TIMING Package will have access to the "Universal Feed". Customers who have opted for the Advanced Package will be able to access a Team specific "Dedicated Feed". Both are hosted by PACETEQ.

Accessing both feeds is done in a similar manner by choosing the Live-Feed option from the dropdown menu located at the top right corner of ONE TIMING.image-png-Aug-07-2024-12-58-46-4013-PM

Universal Live-Feed

This feed provides users a read-only access. The absence of a Team-Name in its title signifies that it is a Universal Feed. The "Cloud" in the name indicates you are connecting to a Cloud Server. Conversely, if it includes "Local" in the name, it indicates that the Timing Server is locally e.g. in your garage.

Although adjustments to settings like "Pit Lane Timeloss" are not possible here, but you have suggestions for settings or wish to utilize features such as the "Pit Release" Plugin, feel free to contact PACETEQ directly via

Dedicated Live-Feed

The Dedicated Feed serves as a specialized sub-feed of the Universal Feed tailored specifically for the customer's team. Hosted individually by PACETEQ, this feed grants users a "read & write" access. Connecting to this feed is done in the exact same way as connecting to any other Live-Feed.

Adjustments made on the Dedicated Feed (Event Settings, Team Settings, Car Settings) are only visible to users connected to this Live-Feed and are not shared on the Universal Feed. Concurrently, all settings published on the Universal Feed will be transferred to the Dedicated Feed. This streamlines the process as all necessary settings are pre-filled by PACETEQ, allowing you to focus on customizing what interests you the most.

The Dedicated Feed can be recognized by the Team-Name following the Series Name.