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First Steps into ONE TIMING

Summary of all the essentials you should know when using ONE TIMING.


To access the latest ONE TIMING Version, please click here for the download. Upon finishing the installation process, you will be directed to a screen where you can input your License Code.


Based on your selected package, you will be provided with one or multiple License keys. You can find more information about your license keys here.

Enter your License Key into the designated field and click on the checkmark. You will now see the Expiration Date of your License and the remaining number of activations.

You may close this window by selecting "Confirm". Upon opening ONE TIMING, you will be directed to the ONE TIMING UI with the default layout.

If you see the message "License check failed." Take a look at this Article.


To access real-time timing data, simply choose a ONE TIMING live-feed from the top right menu. Watch for the green dots next to the dropdown as they will begin to blink, signalling a successful connection.

ONE TIMING will retain this selection and automatically reconnect when you restart the software.

Tip: The live-feed names indicate whether you are viewing a Universal or Team-Based Feed. Additionally, you can easily identify if the Timing Server is located at the Track or within the PACETEQ Cloud Network.

You can find more information about Team-Based and Universal Feeds in these Articles.

Historical Data

Within ONE TIMING, you have access to Historical Data of past events through both the Cloud and local files on your PC. By activating your License, you gain immediate access to specific series. There are two different options available for viewing this data. 

Selecting "Historical Data" from the top menu bar allows you to access and review entire sessions. If you notice a session listed in orange instead of black, it means the session is saved locally on your device. A session listed in black indicates that the file is stored in the PACETEQ Cloud.

The second option is to utilize the "Historical Replayer" Plugin. This feature allows you to replay a session, skip to any part, and visualize how ONE TIMING appeared at that specific moment. You can also use this to review the information that was available at that time. Or to build up your Layout.


The features of OneTiming are organized into various Plugins. You have the flexibility to open each Plugin multiple times, resize and drag them within OneTiming. Additionally, you can pop them out and relocate them to another screen if desired.


You can easily maximize each Plugin by double-clicking on the Plugin Name. To return it to its original size, simply use the button located at the top right corner.

Additionally, you can access a context menu in most Plugins by right-clicking. These options are specific to each plugin and allow you to customize the behaviour. For example select reference cars or hide unnecessary information.

Tip: Increase your efficiency by opening multiple instances of the same Plugin and display the information slightly differently in each instance through the use of different context menu options.


The positioning of all plugins in ONE TIMING can be saved as a Layout. You have the flexibility to save as many layouts as you desire, with all context menu options preserved within them. 

Saving a Layout

Once you have finished creating your custom Layout, simply select "Save Layout As..." which will open a window where you can enter a name for your Layout. From there, you can load or make further changes to it, and overwrite your existing file by clicking "Save Layout".

Share and Load a Layout

Export your current layout by selecting "Export Layout To File". This feature saves the layout as an XML file that can be shared with your colleagues. They can then use the "Load Layout File" function to load these XML files. Once loaded, remember to save the layout with a new name for future sessions.

Tip: Creating separate Layouts for Practice/Qualifying and Races is highly recommended.

Coloring and Line-Styles

Within ONE TIMING, users have the flexibility to customize line-styles and colors for each entry. The PACETEQ Team offers a default color file that serves as a starting point for creating personalized color coding schemes.

To customize the colors and line-styles, navigate to the "File" menu and choose "Preferences". Then, select the desired "Series" to adjust the coloring for each season individually. Each entry is identified by the car number and includes a color and a line-style. The colors are specified in ARGB32 format, where the alpha channel (transparency) is defined at the beginning of the RGB Hex Code. Line-styles can be chosen from the Drop-Down Menu.

You can also modify the "Manufacturer" and "Engine" for a team within this section.

Tip: Utilize the "Import/Export" function to easily share your color scheme with colleagues, similar to how you can share a layout.


ONE TIMING provides the capability to generate HTML and PDF Reports. Within the "Report Generator" Plugin, users can define each page of the report and apply filters to the overall report or individual pages. Reports can be based on either sessions or events.

Publish Settings

If you are utilizing the Advanced Package, you have the flexibility to adjust the parameters that ONE TIMING utilizes for its calculations within your team-specific configurations. The PACETEQ Team offers a set of default settings that can be adjusted before or during a session.

During a live session, adjustments can be made within the "Management"-Plugins. The plugin "Event Settings" houses the majority of settings. Each setting can be modified, and with a simple click on the "Publish" button, the changes will be sent to all other users connected to the same Timing Feed.

You can find more information about all of the "Management"-Plugins here.

Pre-Race Simulation

Advanced Package Users have the ability to conduct Pre-Race Simulations to analyze the outcomes of various Pit Stop Strategies. This feature utilizes different Plugins within ONE TIMING and is thoroughly explained in detail here.