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Time Loop Analysis

Displaying fastest loop, lap, and theoretical best lap times in a table format is crucial for assessing areas needing improvement during Qualifying Sessions

Values View

Display the top loop, lap, and theoretical best lap times in a table view. This feature is particularly beneficial during Qualifying Sessions to promptly identify the areas where a Driver has the most room for improvement. If you are interested in Sector Times, you may want to use the Plugin "Time Analysis".

By default, only your selected Manufacturer and Team will be highlighted, with all times shown in absolute values.

Users have the option to choose whether all cars are colored or just the Manufacturer that is selected to highlight inside the Preferences. ONE TIMING also provides a Delta view, using the fastest car as a reference for each column. Additionally, users can select a Reference Driver to calculate the deltas based on their performance.

Any laps that have been invalidated or canceled within ONE TIMING will not be displayed in this Plugin. Users also have the option to view the times in percentages, with the fastest car set at 100% for each column, or the selected reference car if applicable.

Chart View

The Chart View can be accessed through the second tab of this plugin. Within the context menu, users can choose which column from the Table View to display. Additionally, there is an option to show this information based on Manufacturer, showing only the fastest car from each manufacturer.

Context Menu

Values View

Within the Values view, users have access to a variety of options through the context menu.

"Show Percentages" will convert the times into percentage values.
"Color All Cars" will color all cars based on the Preferences, or maintain all cars with a dark background while highlighting only the Manufacturer selected in your Preferences to Highlight. If the Manufacturer you wish to highlight in the Preferences is not present in the current Session being viewed, ONE TIMING will check if the selected Team to highlight is part of the session and will highlight that team instead.
"Show Delta" will modify all values to show the difference from the reference. This adjustment applies to both times and percentages.
"Power Modes" is commonly utilized in Formula E to distinguish between laps completed with varying power modes, aiding in performance analysis.
"Show Manufacturers" Only the quickest car from each manufacturer will be showcased in every column.
"Show vertical scrollbar" To prevent overcrowding, activating the vertical scrollbar will adjust the display if there are too many cars for the plugin's vertical size. Refer to the accompanying images to visualize the difference. A lack of scrollbar may result in black bars appearing on the left and right sides.

"Reference Driver" Choose the driver that will serve as the reference for displaying all times relative to this car. If you select a driver here that did not set any times in the session, you might encounter some difficulties in displaying the information.
"Copy all data to clipboard" Just like other table-based plugins in ONE TIMING, the copy to clipboard feature allows you to effortlessly transfer the table data into Excel or any location on your computer.

Chart View

Within the Chart view, users have the flexibility to select which loop, lap times, or theoretical lap times to display. Additionally, there is an option to focus solely on Manufacturers. In the Manufacturer view, the fastest car from each Manufacturer will be highlighted for the specific plot.